Am i being scammed? from Atlantic? company.?

2018-05-09 9:23 am
They refused to tell us who we owed or any information. All that they wanted was for us to verify an address to send us legal paperwork. when questioned further they cussed at me and complained we where harassing them
the number they used was 888- Nine77 5616

回答 (8)

2018-05-09 4:18 pm
So some unnamed caller rang and asked for your address? Don't give it to them, simple.
2018-05-09 4:47 pm
Report the call and number to the police
2018-05-09 10:43 am
That is a scam
2018-05-09 9:57 am
"They refused to tell us who we owed or any information." = scam
2018-05-09 10:50 pm
Sounds scammy to me.
2018-05-09 8:52 pm
If they have your phone number and not your address, they ARE NOT a legitimate collection agent?
Did they even have your name?
The FIRST thing a legitimate collector will do is request to speak to X by name.
The SECOND thing they will do is state EXACTLY who they are calling for. "Collections" of "Account services" IS NOT the name of the company.

If they call again, demand THEY supply an address where YOUR attorney can serve THEM with a lawsuit. WHEN the refuse, that is IRREFUTABLE proof they are not legitimate.
2018-05-09 9:44 am
assume nothing will happen until it does. lots of shady "bill collectors" out there, some or many using illegal tactics. meanwhile, look for an attorney just in case you actually are served with a lawsuit
2018-05-09 9:44 am
i would check them out with the better business bureau and then you'll know if theyre scamming or not

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