How do You get Confidence in critical situations ?

2018-05-08 2:14 pm

回答 (6)

2018-05-08 2:25 pm
I wish I knew....
2018-05-09 7:42 pm
Self prep talks and journaling helped me. I just recently got out of a toxic relationship and pretty much, I lost more than gaining from the relationship and that included my self confidence, self love, etc. To gain self confidence takes self healing and recognition of who you are authentically. Spend more time with yourself within. Good luck.
2018-05-09 2:28 am
There are good books out there about building self-confidence. Go to an online bookstore and get a couple with high reader ratings.
2018-05-08 11:36 pm
2018-05-08 7:49 pm
Confidence usually comes from knowing what to do in a situation. So that can mean training, thinking about a thing, practice, etc. Common sense and specialized training.
2018-05-08 4:59 pm
Just stay calm, analyse later.

Very best wishes


Source:) Study..

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