How would people feel if Michele Obama ran for president? Obama would be back in the White House?

2018-05-07 12:36 am

回答 (24)

2018-05-07 12:48 am
funny....... it wasn't that long ago some folks were saying the same thing about Bill...
2018-05-07 12:46 am
Hillary is not going to allow her to run.
2018-05-07 1:59 am
I think I threw up a little when I read your question!
2018-05-07 1:20 am
ORGASM! I'd like to see the dirtbags on this site "suffer" thru eight years of a Michelle Obama Presidency...
2018-05-07 12:36 am
2018-05-07 1:03 am
she could not even handle lunch for kids, hell all Barry did was let the leftists run roughshod over our nation. She has way to many haters, more than your other Great black Hope the Oprah...yes I am a hater.
2018-05-07 12:38 am
2018-05-07 12:43 am
Better then Trump!
2018-05-07 9:41 am
She has stated often she has no interest in politics.
2018-05-07 7:39 am
Should just nuke the country ourselves if that happens. Would kill us quicker.
2018-05-07 3:00 am
Ugh! Thats not going to happen. Why dont people get off the subject of Obama, its over a year since he left.
2018-05-07 12:53 am
She doesn't WANT to run so she won't be.
2018-05-07 1:36 am
It's too soon plus there is the fact that she isn't interested.
2018-05-07 1:15 am
And her qualifications would be what? her ability to fill cafeteria garbage cans with uneaten crap trying to pass as food and being Queen Jackass for 8 years?
2018-05-07 1:25 am
I am against ANY family trying to become a ruling dynasty. That is why I voted against Bush2, that is why I opposed Bush3 and Clinton in the last election. Out of 300 million plus people we should be able to find someone better than anyone Rep or Dem in the last election. Bernie was unelectable, but he was the best candidate.
2018-05-07 12:45 am
What makes you think she would get elected?
2018-05-07 12:43 am
You should be so lucky. My guess is he is fed up with the whole carnival and is now going to sit on an island some place with a nice cool drink and a fishing rod till hell freezes over.
2018-05-07 12:56 am
When she tosses her hat in the ring and begins a campaign where she stands on the issues, it becomes time for me to do the homework. However, I find it hard for me to believe the best person for the job as the most powerful person of the world doesn't require someone to have been elected to public office first, so we can see how they handle the duties associated w/ that. Hiring a rookie to see what they can do at a new occupation as POTUS is significantly more given to right wing mentality ... I'm a lefty who uses facts and pragmatism to sway my convictions.
Understand, righties are the ones who think a rookie politician learns to be presidential elsewhere ... like in church or on TV as an entertainer. I'm more like, give me a window to see what you do at an elected official job FIRST, before I consider you for POTUS.
2018-05-09 6:44 am
SAY GOOD BUY TOALL of THE USA we will be slave to them
2018-05-08 3:54 am
2018-05-07 7:55 am
He might?
2018-05-07 12:50 am
As a Democrat, no. No Obama, no Clinton, no Pelosi and certainly no Sanders. If we want to lose just go back to the graveyard for our next nominee.
2018-05-07 8:41 am
We could only pray that she does.
2018-05-07 12:40 am
2018-05-07 12:39 am
It would be great. But it won't happen.

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