Why did he call me that? I will answer yours if you answer mine?

2018-05-03 10:54 am
So today in p.e we didn't dress down so I went to sit next to my friends who had a different p.e. teacher to study for a test. There were these guys sitting by us and I was sitting sideways so I facing towards their direction. I was looking at my paper and I was looking up straight ahead and I was memorizing the steps in my head and the first guy was talking to his friend and he saw me and said something of the lines of " she's cute" and he was staring at me. Why did he call me that? Me and him don't know each other.

回答 (2)

2018-05-03 11:21 am
He probably thinks you're pretty. Take it as a compliment :)
2018-05-03 10:59 am
Lots of guys you don't know probably call you cute all the time. It might mean he's interested. It might mean he's bored and just commenting on the girls in the room.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:01:33
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