How to lose weight can be reduced. It's very annoying.?

2018-05-02 11:12 pm
How to lose weight can be reduced. It's very annoying.

回答 (3)

2018-05-02 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As long as you use the right way, you can relax and lose weight without controlling your diet.
Because I have had such trouble, want to thin but thin not down, super inferiority.
I had three children, and I had a good first birth.
The whole state did not know how to make it. Fat did not come back. After the third year, they gained weight to 87 kilograms.
It's two times heavier than before.
After being fat, I don't want to dress up at all.
It's really hard to open up in my heart. My husband is becoming more and more ignorant of me.
Finally came to the point of divorce (looking for beautiful younger sister outside).
In order to make myself smooth and thin, I began to look for all kinds of pipelines to find suitable weight loss methods.
But three years later, I could not understand it.
But I can't wear clothes that I want to wear. But under the introduction of a child's mother,
At last, I was willing to find a way to slim down my success, which is a necessary way to lose weight.

Look at people's personal log

I have lost 10 kilograms from 87 kilograms to 2 months.
For 5 and a half months, I lost my weight to 45 kilograms. I really recovered my self-confidence during pregnancy.
Clothes are changing all over the place. They really have to pick clothes and feel better and better.
It's all light and light (XD).

Look at people's personal log
2018-05-03 1:10 am
Eat more cucumbers
2018-05-02 11:50 pm
My weight loss efforts were reduced by quitting sugar and other sources high in fructose like HFCS, honey, nectar, juice, molasses, maple syrup and white flour products (most breads, crackers and pastas).


收錄日期: 2021-04-26 15:48:08
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