Do you think drinking is wrong? What do you agree on?

2018-05-01 7:51 pm
While the Bible mentions the positive aspects of wine, it condemns overdrinking and drunkenness. Thus, a Christian who chooses to drink alcohol would do so only in moderation. (1 Timothy 3:8; Titus 2:2, 3) The Bible gives several reasons to avoid overdrinking.

It impairs thinking ability and judgment. (Proverbs 23:29-35) An intoxicated person cannot fulfill the Bible’s command to “present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason.”—Romans 12:1.
Overdrinking removes inhibitions and “the motivation to do what is right.”—Hosea 4:11; Ephesians 5:18.
It can lead to poverty and serious health problems.—Proverbs 23:21, 31, 32.
Heavy drinking and drunkenness displease God.—Proverbs 23:20; Galatians 5:19-21.

回答 (21)

2018-05-02 4:10 am
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All things in moderation. As long as you do not over indulge, drinking alcohol is NOT harmful to you or others.
2018-05-01 8:38 pm
Drinking is counterproductive at best, and deadly at worst. No good comes from it.
2018-05-01 8:00 pm
What is particularly interesting is that the Bible condemns drunkenness in a time when alcohol was the only safe thing to drink. Weaned children and adults drank quantities of alcohol in the ancient world that would make us cringe -- 2 liters of beer or wine for kids, 3 or 4 for adults. Pretty much everyone was low level intoxicated all the time unless they wanted to risk contracting waterborne illnesses.

You would think God would've told them how to make water safe to drink by boiling it, but no. The Bible writers didn't have any information not already known to the more advanced cultures around them.
2018-05-01 7:59 pm
Why do some people think "drinking" means drunkenness??

Jesus' first miracle was changing water into wine. And Jesus and the apostles drank wine at the Last Supper, when he instructed them: Do this in memory of me.

Google "drinking in moderation." There's nothing wrong with it.
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian
2018-05-02 8:41 am
Alcoholic beverages can be enjoyed by people who want to use them, in moderation and under control, usually without any ill effects.

But when they are used in excess, then this becomes an abuse of alcohol, which is harmful, even deadly, to the abusers as well as to others.

The fact that alcoholic beverages need not be condemned can be seen in the Bible. There God is spoken of as arranging a future time of happiness for mankind when, among other things, he will provide “a banquet of well-oiled dishes, a banquet of wine.” (Isa. 25:6)

Surely the Creator would not use wine as a symbol of happiness if it were an item forbidden to mankind.

Also, Jesus Christ made “fine wine” at a wedding celebration, showing that it can have its proper place.
2018-05-01 8:35 pm
"Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough" -- Mark Twain
2018-05-02 1:05 am
An old Italy everybody drink table wine including the little children at the dinner table. Natural wine usually reaches an alcohol content of 6 to 7% it loses a lot of that alcohol content without Refrigeration because alcohol start to evaporate. A Christian can safely consume a 12 oz glass of wine with his meal without the slightest danger of drunkenness.

But come on people when you buy a six-pack of beer and proceeded to drink a six-pack of beer within an hour you're not drinking the beer to quench your thirst you're drinking it to catch a buzz. Even catching a buzz with alcohol is not against the Bible we're talkin habitual drunkenness here which impairs your ability to stay holy before the Lord so if you're going to drink alcohol don't drink anymore alcohol then you would a glass of orange juice.
2018-05-01 8:52 pm
It's not wrong per say if it's in moderation, but it can and does destroy relationships, marriages, families, jobs etc,and a whole slew of other things including loss of good health, looks and well being.
2018-05-01 8:02 pm
My take on ALL recreational drug use, including alcohol, is:

If you can use it in moderation, without it negatively impacting your life, then good for you! Awesome! Go right ahead! :)

If you start getting addicted to something, that's bad. If it harms you, either physically or mentally, that's bad. If it starts negatively interfering with other things in your life, that's bad. But in all of those cases..? I won't morally condemn someone who's struggling! Just support them and be there for them, and recommend them to get help. But if your drug use makes you hurt other people in any way..? That's 100% unacceptable.

Also: not all drugs are created equal! Just like not all PEOPLE are created equal, either! So... some people might be able to have a totally chill, and healthy, relationship with alcohol! While others just can't do that, and will need to abstain... Some people, (like me, for one), can take acid and such, and have it impact their lives in a very positive way! While for others, who have psychotic tendencies, for instance..? It could be really, really bad for their mental health. Heck, even with seriously addictive drugs, like cocaine for instance..? I've known functional, happy people that are able to use it once a month, and be just fine! While for others, they inevitably spiral into addiction... And for me personally..? I just don't want to risk it, with physically addictive drugs. Other than alcohol, which I already KNOW that I can handle, and feel no need to overindulge in.
參考: Life. (Mine, that is.) :D
2018-05-02 2:21 am
"While the Bible mentions the positive aspects of wine, it condemns overdrinking and drunkenness..."


"Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more."

What part of that does not look like a command to get someone drunk?

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