Can a foreigner own a newspaper in US?

2018-05-01 12:03 pm

回答 (7)

2018-05-01 4:26 pm
Yes - all they have to do is take American Citizenship like Australian-born Rupert Murdoch.

Most publishing houses are global conglomerates so you only need a US titular owner
2018-05-04 7:06 am
Anyone at a news stand with enough cash can buy a paper. You want all that damned ink on your fingers and clothes, then by all means go right ahead!
2018-05-04 4:37 pm
2018-05-01 3:00 pm
Rupert Murdock owns you never mind your media its his dogma that's destroying you you may have the sword he has the pen you are divided and conquered its isn't the Russians I can tell you
2018-05-01 2:15 pm
Not wholly owned. But there are provisions for foreign investment and partial ownership.
2018-05-01 1:08 pm
I don't think so. There are some rules about media ownership that don't apply to other things. I think a foreigner can own PART of a media outlet- there's a Saudi prince who owns part of Fox.
2018-05-01 12:30 pm

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