My mom be crushing on ice and I hate the sound of it when she crush on it...... What I need to do??

2018-05-01 8:05 am

回答 (5)

2018-05-01 8:08 am
Don't all kids have earbuds?
Go find your phone,and plug in some music. DONE.
2018-05-01 2:42 pm
"Mom, I know it's my problem, not yours, but everytime I hear you crushing ice it gives me the chills and makes me want to leave. Would it be too much to ask you not to do that in front of me?"
2018-05-01 9:04 am
you need to appreciate the fact that you still have your mom around, wish i did
2018-05-01 8:15 am
Tell her not to chew on ice because it's bad for her teeth!
Or just tell her you don't like the sound and prefer it i she doesn't do it around you. Say I love you after ((:
2018-05-01 8:20 am
Say the sound causes epileptic seizures and then fake seizure whenever she does it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:07:37
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