what are the impacts on the aviation of the newly Norwegian air service from London Gatwick to Singapore help?

2018-04-30 12:00 am
hello everyone I need some help I did quite research but couldn't find any useful information. so the question is " what will be the impact on the aviation on the newly launched service Norwegian air from Gatwick to Changi airport" thank you it's for my uni assignment

回答 (2)

2018-04-30 3:44 am
The question as posted makes no sense. What do you mean by impact on "the aviation"?
What is "the aviation" in this sense? Air services are changing all the time, older ones being closed down and new ones being opened. Any particular change does not have any noticeable effect on aviation in general. One new service has negligible effect on others ; unless you are interested in a particular service, or a particular effect. Be more specific when posting a question, say what it is that you require in an answer.
2018-04-30 12:24 am
What do you think a new service from A to B has for ANYWHERE
Basic economics Supply and Demand.
Re post your question in Business section.
Did you want the Politics of International Bi lateral agreements for Air Travel
Changes to Visa Laws Maybe between country A and B
Commercial exchanges between business leaders or the opening of a new travel service for the new groups arriving each day.
Is it a DIRECT Non stop Flight?
Or does it stop in Norway?
Do you want information on fuel burning and contribution to Air pollution, Maybe the Global Warming of more jet fuel.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:06:42
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