What is wrong with me? Repost because the only answer I got didn't even relate to the situstion.?

2018-04-29 3:40 am
I am the biggest social recluse I know. No joke! I only have three friends and I hardly ever speak to them. I almost never want to leave my house unless it's to go to work or run important errands. It's not because I'm shy. It's just that In have more fun when I spend my free-time when I stay home watching movies, anime, writing and goofing around on social media.

However, I cannot deny that I would love love love to have a boyfriend. However, I know that would require leaving my house and meeting new people.....which is something that I dread. My cousin even try to talk me into going into a bar tomorrow but I fought him tooth and nail until he said I don't have to go. Now, I kind of regret it. I know I hate socializing but I don't want to wake up and realize that I am a 40-year-old virgin and still have not been on a single date.

回答 (1)

2018-04-29 5:47 am
Easy answer there is nothing wrong with you
Have you considered trying to meet someone online???
You dont need to get out until you meet someone who makes you want to get out OR they prefer to stay in with you
Dont do something you hate

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