How long does it take for a cigarette smell to disappear from a room?

2018-04-28 3:23 am
I smoked for the first time ever in my room (only one cig). My dad is coming home in about five hours, so do you think that the room won’t smell like a cigarette by then if I open all doors and windows in the apartment? He is also a smoker, but he never smokes in my room.

回答 (5)

2018-04-28 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Stop worrying. If he smokes he won't smell your cigarette. Smoking affects the sense of smell, taste and health.
2018-04-29 7:12 am
On its own, it WON'T fade. At best, it takes YEARS to fade. That said, VERY few smokers even notice the smell of smoke.
2018-04-29 12:55 am
It can take years for that smell to go away, if it ever does.
2018-04-28 3:26 am
Don't sweat it man. Spray some febreeze and call it a day he will never know.
2018-04-28 3:25 am
If he is a smoker it is doubtful he will notice if it has proper time to air out.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:01:23
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