What do you think of my music tastes?

2018-04-26 11:28 pm
Damon Albarn is one of my favorite musicians/song-writers ever!!!! I love a large percentage of his stuff from Blur, Gorillaz and his solo work. I also love bands like Aerosmith, Disturbed, Halestorm, Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin. I also like Demi Lovato and Lorde. In love the work that Sia produced BEFORE she started wearing that mask (her work for England before then).

回答 (8)

2018-04-27 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's ok as long as you enjoy what you listen for yourself.

Perhaps you'll musically evolve in the future, who knows?
2018-04-27 12:07 am
This turned into a "Where's Waldo" thing when I saw Aerosmith in there.
2018-04-27 2:34 am
Needs more cowbell.
2018-04-27 12:02 am
needs garlic
2018-04-27 9:51 pm
I agree with the guy who said you shouldisten to more metal and grunge, and since you already listen to Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin, I think a great next step would be the heavy metal band Creed and the grunge band Nickelback.
2018-04-27 1:33 am
I think you need to venture out of the mainstream a bit more.
2018-04-27 12:55 am
It’s ok but not enough metal or grunge.
2018-04-27 2:37 am
Needs more wine.
2018-04-26 11:51 pm
You have an eclectic taste in music

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