讀書心得英文翻譯 大感謝 如果你的摯愛被殘酷奪走 你希望該如何處置犯人?

2018-04-26 10:17 pm

如果你的摯愛被殘酷奪走 你希望該如何處置犯人

回答 (5)

2018-04-27 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Knowledge gained through reading by translation from C/E:-
How would you wish to track down the guilty culprit if your devoted love is brutally taken away ?
"culprit" is a person who has done wrong, an offender.
2018-04-27 3:29 am
當然是 閉門思過 三年不准吃飯
滯愛會離妳而去 一定是妳 不識字 又沒衛生
三年不吃飯 還算是便宜妳了
2018-04-27 2:38 pm
If your loved ones were brutally taken from you, how would you wish to see the culprit(s) punished?
2018-04-27 8:53 am
If my darling were cruelly kidnapped by someone else,then how do you deal with that kidnapper. Yip.
2018-04-28 10:03 pm
什麼叫 “摯愛被殘酷奪走”?其實您是在非常 非常的恨他/她, 對不對?

嗯, 其實哪樣子 等於拿別人的錯, 來懲罰你自己, 那些傷害你的人 卻🈚️知無覺。值得嗎?

➕油唄!在那裡倒下再在那裡爬起來, 您值得更好的。 🤘

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