Are there more Republicans than Democrats?

2018-04-26 6:53 am

回答 (11)

2018-04-26 6:56 am
No. Actually, there are more Democrats and have been for awhile. Exact balance is always shifting but long term Democrats are growing more numerous over time. This is according to a Gallup poll.

"As of October 2017, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrat, 24% identified as Republican, and 42% as Independent."
2018-04-26 7:08 am
As of October 2017, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrat, 24% identified as Republican, and 42% as Independent. Which makes 'unaligned' voters the larges voting block in the country.
2018-04-26 7:53 am
Possibly not
2018-04-26 7:22 am
No way.
2018-04-26 7:20 am
There are slightly more Democrats but neither party has a clear majority.
2018-04-26 7:17 am
2018-04-26 6:55 am
nation-wide, registered democrats outnumber registered republicans about 2 to 1.

democrats account for about 40% of the voting population, independents about 40%, and republicans about 20%.

edit: Entropy's figures are more recent and hence more accurate than mine, but my analysis below stands:

obviously a lot of independents regularly vote republican - enough to put the GOP over the top in many, if not most, recent elections.... but notice the two things that have happened since the election of Trump:

1) the nutcases have come out of the woodwork to support Trump... i hear a lot of politicians on the CSpan channels embracing the same values and ideology that motivated Timothy McVeigh to detonate a truck bomb in Oklahoma City 23 years ago...

2) and because of #1, independents are getting fed up with the Right's nonsense. this is causing "safe" republican seats to flip democrat in special elections all over America - see also "Roy Moore" - and "establishment" Republicans are leaving in droves. they KNOW the GOP is headed for a pasting of historic proportions.

if i'm wrong in my analysis, the GOP has nothing to worry about. if i'm correct, expect this "blue wave" to grow into a tsunami by November because Trump and his followers do not know HOW to tone down their insanity.

when i hear state republican committee LEADERS publicly praising Lee Harvey Oswald, i KNOW the GOP train has jumped the rails and is careening, full speed, down a dusty road straight for a cliff.
2018-04-26 6:57 am
Democrats are more numerous, more Republicans vote, and older, more deplorable Democrats, tend to reject the more 'trendy' Democrats.
2018-04-26 7:05 am
There definitely are more Republicans now. It is estimated that approximately 20 Million Democrat voters have flipped to the Republican party due to the embarrassing obstructionist antics of DEMO leadership.
2018-04-26 7:18 am
There is FAR MORE FLIP FLOPPERS than there are EITHER of them.
2018-04-26 7:15 am
2018-04-26 7:00 am
No just the opposite.

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