Why do people care about terrorist attacks at large when more people in Canada die of car crashes?

2018-04-24 7:32 am
There isn't really a solution either that will prevent them... Letting them continue to pour into Canada, wow I guess that is supposed to decrease the likelihood for terrorist attacks?

回答 (2)

2018-04-24 7:42 am
People are quite terrible at evaluating the <<real>> risk of those kinds of events.

The spectacular acts get lots of news coverage so people think they happen a lot more often than is really true.
2018-04-24 7:46 am
Letting what continue to pour into Canada? Cars? Since the likelihood of a terrorist attack being committed by a native born citizen is greater than an attack by a foreign born terrorist, you can't mean letting terrorists in, can you?

2018-04-24 7:45 am
Well at least they could out law those Bump Bumpers

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