Has Yahoo Answers always been as political as it currently is?

2018-04-24 6:37 am
I haven't been on here much since a few years ago, but I don't recall every other post being about politics...

Did this place change or am I just seeing it through a different scope?

I'm talking in the context of everything submitted, not just whats in the politics section

回答 (12)

2018-04-24 10:02 pm
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No, it hasn't always been so political, where a high % of threads would result in someone bringing up politics or a political figure, even if the question asked wasn't in the Politics & Government category, but it's like that around the internet. You can look at any general news or informative post on Fb (for example) and someone will throw in a political comment (that has nothing to do with the actual topic). It's ridiculous.
2018-04-24 6:38 am
Liberals ruined this site this decade. It used to be semi-enjoyable.
2018-04-24 7:54 am
Yes..... from day one.... but now it is much more vile... nothing but a troll cesspool
2018-04-24 6:50 am
Look for a "Customize Feed" button on the top right side of the page in order to pick another category that suits you.
2018-04-24 6:50 am
There is something like a small group of republicans, I think it can be as many as 8 of them, where they always argue with something like a group of 5 democrats.
And yeah, they really do ruin it all. What has been refreshing is that more people that hate both of those political parties are showing up, but don't seem to be sticking around at all.
2018-04-24 6:47 am
Maybe it's because you clicked on the section called "Politics."
2018-04-24 6:38 am
this IS the politics section
2018-04-26 3:41 am
I dont Think it Always has but it does not Surprise me with all the changes that have been going on

I dont get Involved with Politics tho on this Site
2018-04-24 7:58 am
Only the politics section.
2018-04-24 7:10 am
Not all of Yahoo Answers is political. This IS the political section, so of course this section is.
2018-04-24 6:54 am
2018-04-24 6:46 am
Only the Politics section,

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