How to help a really tickly sore throat and a blocked nose?

2018-04-23 1:51 pm
This started four days ago and I had to leave work early because I didn’t realise how bad it was. In a day and a bit, this "common cold" went from bad to worse. Had to cancel weekend plans, and that was really disappointing. Am still having to stay home and no amount of water or throat lozenges seems to help. I had almost no sleep at all last night because it was bothering me so much. I’ve used up three boxes of tissues in less than twenty-four hours. I went to the doctor this morning and she told me that it was a viral infection, resting is key, and then she gave me some home remedies and prescribed me to antibiotics. She's written a medical certificate for me saying that I'm unfit for work today and tomorrow, and the day after that is a public holiday anyway.
I'm extremely uncomfortable, and it actually feels like someone is tickling the inside of my throat with a feather duster. I got my tonsils taken out last year, and I am really hoping I didn't go through all that stress and pain for nothing. I can't get into a comfortable position to sleep, and even if I find myself falling asleep I am immediately woken up by an irritating tickle in my throat.
Does anyone have any suggestions on something else I could do to heal better? There's been no change in the last three days. I'm worried about missing more work and I just want to get some sleep. Help, please?!

回答 (3)

2018-04-23 1:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you've got a chair or couch in front of the tv where you can be kind of half sitting half lying down. That's about it. Time will heal it. Take ALL of the anti biotics. Often times people stop when they feel better.
2018-04-23 3:49 pm
Nasal spray and throat lozenges from the pharmacists. The ones that are numbing. Suck one before you lie down.
It works for me.
2018-04-23 2:08 pm
Sniff warm salt water up your nose by blocking one nostril with your finger while sniffing up the other nostril

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