how unsafe is a jeep? especially for a new driver?

2018-04-23 10:42 am

回答 (11)

2018-04-23 8:53 pm
There are MILLIONS of Jeep vehicles on the road today that have NEVER been involved in a crash. If they were patently unsafe, the Government wouldn't allow them to be sold.
2018-04-23 10:54 am
They're not very safe in terms of rollovers, they rollover the easiest out of all vehicles. Crash tests are pretty good for the newer ones.
2018-04-23 9:57 pm
It's as safe as the driver's knowledge of higher COG vehicles.
2018-04-23 3:06 pm
It will destroy your wallet. They are not dangerous cars, but have a less than stellar rep for reliability
2018-04-23 10:55 am
With a high centre of gravity, they're like many other SUVs, prone to rollovers at higher speeds.
2018-04-27 2:29 am
I am not sure what you are asking. I owned Wrangers for well over 20 years, and never had a turnover.

I suppose if you think you are going to go around driving like a moron, then yes it is unsafe. If you just drive normal then you have nothing to worry about.
2018-04-24 2:36 am
Older Jeeps have a narrow wheel base and roll fairly easy.after about 2000, they are wider.
2018-04-24 1:17 am
Not very unsafe, why would you think it is?
2018-04-23 11:28 pm
Which jeep? Wrangler is what most people talk about. It has a short wheelbase and high center of gravity compared to it's width. It's not unstable to the point of dangerous but it's easier for driving mistakes to get you to that point. It's not going to crash test like a car, more effort goes into it's other abilities so there are tradeoffs. A 4 door wrangler has a decent wheelbase and really makes a Jeep drive better. Aftermarket wheels can widen the footprint improving stability. A Jeep is a tradeoff in size, comfort, stability, handling, saftey, quality, you name it; it's about having off road abilities.
2018-04-23 5:57 pm
Which Jeep: Grand Cherokee, Patriot, Compass. Which year. Some are safe. Some are not so safe.
2018-04-26 2:12 am
Other than the Wrangler, Jeeps are as safe as any other car on the road. The Wrangler with its higher ground clearance can roll a lot easier than other vehicles so if you do a sudden lane change you could end up on your side. IMHO if you do not do a lot of off road driving the Wrangle is a terrible vehicle.

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