Can you plant seeds that have been salted and roasted for consumption?

2018-04-23 3:49 am
For example roasted and salted pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds

回答 (14)

2018-04-23 3:57 am
No. Roasting the seed kills the reproductive structure inside, so it can't grow.
2018-04-23 3:57 am
No. The heat sterilized the seeds.
2018-04-28 1:18 pm
Cooked seeds can't grow.
2018-04-24 10:30 am
You can plant them, but they certainly won't grow. Heat kills seeds, and being soaked in a salt brine to make them salty also kills the seeds.
2018-04-23 4:08 am
Plant them by all means, but they won't grow.
2018-04-29 1:01 pm
no, they won't grow because they have been roasted. the salt alone will inhibit growth.
2018-04-27 1:59 am
No, roasting kills them.
2018-04-26 2:57 pm
no they have been procesed
2018-04-23 5:24 am
No it will not work
2018-04-23 4:13 am
they won't grow
2018-04-23 3:56 am
You can plant them. But they won't grow
2018-04-23 3:51 am
sure you can plant them they just wont grow
2018-04-25 1:33 am
2018-04-23 4:25 am
2018-04-23 3:59 am
Yes! You can roast pumpkin seeds and save them to plant the following year. Considering there is salt on them might be a contributing factor if they do not grow properly

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