Prove these 2 triangles are similar?

2018-04-22 1:53 am
How can I prove that the 2 triangles of the 1st question on the 1st worksheet on this website are similar?:

回答 (3)

2018-04-22 7:54 am
AC is parallel to ED
R is a common point for the two given triangles.
Alternate angles and opposite angles are equal.
Hence the two triangles are similar.
C is common point.
BD is parallel to AE.
Angle A is common to both the triangles.
Angle A = Angle B and Angle D = Angle E.
Hence triangles ACE and BCD are similar.
2018-04-22 2:21 am
AC // ED...............given
∠ACB = ∠DEB................// lines alt. int. ∠s are =
∠ABC = ∠DBE...............vertical ∠s are =
ΔABC ~ ΔDEB ................AA similar
2018-04-22 2:21 am
NOT visiting ANY site requiring registration and login. Post the question. Or don't bother.

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