He looked at me while i was sleeping? I caught him for a second. Is he judging me? Why would a man do this?

2018-04-21 1:39 pm

回答 (6)

2018-04-21 8:06 pm
When you are asleep, you are very vulnerable. You are without psychological defenses that keep others from trying to get too close. You may have looked beautiful and accessible. He could enjoy looking at you freely without you looking back and reacting.
2018-04-21 2:09 pm
He like u
2018-04-21 1:47 pm
He might be curious of what you look like sleeping, he might think your pretty, he might be concerned about your health or stress, or maybe he just noticed for a brief moment. Anyway your probably reading to much into this. Relax and think to yourself... If he was sleeping would you take a quick glance and what would you think if you saw him sleeping.
2018-04-22 8:50 am
Why did you look at him?
2018-04-21 4:44 pm
who looked at you??? who knows why he was looking at you. maybe you were snoring. maybe he was thinking of walking out. ask him.
2018-04-21 1:41 pm
Was he looking at you thru your window? Call the police!! 🚨

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