how can i find a family member in hosp. in arizona near scottsdale?

2018-04-21 4:29 am

回答 (6)

2018-04-21 5:01 am
Call each hospital.
2018-04-21 4:59 am
Call all the hospitals in Phoenix and Scottsdale. Your question should be in Health not real estate.
2018-04-21 4:38 am
visit frequently, ask the patient if you can do anything for them while they are confined, or bring a favorite book or other item.
2018-04-22 7:44 am
Call the hospital and ask to be connected to the patient's room. If they are a patient there, the call will go through.
2018-04-21 4:34 am
By hospital records
2018-04-21 4:35 am

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