Politically: Why is no-one allowed to defend Russia?

2018-04-20 4:32 am
In law, people who are accused are allowed advocates (i.e. attorney's - people who argue the person's point of view).
Also, in the law, people should be given the presumption of innocence.

It seems that the West has a double standard when it comes to Russia and Syria. If anything happens in Syria, there is no presumption of innocence. Despite the fact that there are two sides to the conflict, The Syrian Govt. and Russia are automatically blamed before even any investigation. Reports from the opposing side are automatically swallowed, lock stock and barrel.

When anyone tries to argue Russia's point of view, they are labeled a 'Russian troll/bot' (in fact I'll probably get called that for this post). I think the West's behavior, which is nowhere near the legal standard they profess to use within their own countries, is pushing the world toward war, not away from it.

回答 (6)

2018-04-20 4:39 am
There is no prohibition against defending Russia.
2018-04-22 12:22 am
If you want to defend the dictatorship of Putin & Russia, no one is stopping you. They murder their dissidents, destabilize their neighbors & try to interfere in other countries elections. Plus there is state sponsored cheating in sporting events when it comes to drug testing. Defend them if you want.

They can join the democracies of the world. Or they can remain an outcast nation. It appears Putin believes in the latter. Once KGB, always KGB.
2018-04-21 5:05 am
Thats because the western media esp the American media calls the shots so their view of things is dominant.
2018-04-20 10:31 am
In the Syrian issues there are many more than just TWO sides.
You have much different opinions of who did whatever depending which end of the gun you are looking at.
When the bomb falls from a plane those on the ground to not really like it no matter which plane it came from.
You can defend Russia point of view Japan point of view USA point of view Egypt point of view or NONE OF THEM.
Just do your research a little more in depth than an event yesterday last week or last year. Issues have been on going for over a decade in the area. MANY can be blamed for stirring up the mess.

Those far away have a different opinion on what is happening from those living next door. This little disagreement has gone on for almost ten years an estimated 500,000 are already dead.

MILLIONS have fled to other countries. Huge destruction of many things. It will take years to return to some kind of normal if the fighting ever stops. Syria WAS a nice place to live Ten years ago. It was not perfect but much better than the current situation.

People >>>should<<< be given the presumption of innocence. Dead bodies and destruction of cities is also evidence of something too.
Political Grandstanding is just that . To the people being killed in the crossfire they just want it to stop.

Those pointing the guns want their side to win.
The Syrian people the innocents just want it to stop. The Politicians the warlords the weapons industry make money as it continues.

2018-04-20 4:33 am
You can defend Russia all you want. Most Americans don't care about Russia. Even fewer care if you defend it
2018-04-20 6:24 am
The presumption of innocence applies to individuals, not countries. Not to mention 17 intelligence agencies have declared that Russia interfered with the election.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:01:13
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