Is there any literary technique used here?

2018-04-20 3:12 am
When talking about how many enemies there were someone said “There are fifty-four of them!”, showing the great number. Is there any literary technique used here?

回答 (4)

2018-04-20 8:27 am
I agree with bluebellbkk. The context would tell us if the sentence was a statement of fact, an exaggeration, an understatement, or the speaker misleading his listener. Is the speaker reliable? Is the listener gullible?
2018-04-20 3:22 am
The technique is called "A really good guess". Alternatively, it could be "Watch out. The guy that told you that is really one of the enemy".
2018-04-20 3:17 am
No - it's just a number.
2018-04-21 11:06 am
Are they mentioning an absurdly high number?

If so this is hyperbole.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:07:24
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