why do i have A D H D my mom does not smoke and my dad doesn't too?please tell me why?

2018-04-19 7:18 pm

回答 (3)

2018-04-19 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Me too. Maybe is 遺傳
2018-04-19 7:31 pm
Addiction Drug Hard Drug
=the problem of not being able to stop taking drugs
Because all your friends were doing drugs,smoke.
You think you took drugs,smoke to escape your problems.
Be high on smoke,you're fashionable.
Enjoy it are addicted that need help.
No smoking in schools, hospitals;
Anti-smoking law passed for your Health.
What's the meaning of the words--A-D-H-D--?
2018-04-19 7:23 pm
ADHD has nothing to do with smoking.

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