Is the US constitution liberal or conservative?

2018-04-19 2:05 pm

回答 (13)

2018-04-19 2:11 pm
Liberal for it's time, a little more conservative by todays standards
2018-04-19 2:33 pm
On the political spectrum, it's liberal. It's left of center. But in American politics, it's neutral. It's exactly middle of the aisle. That's because as a democratic republic, the entire United States' form of government is well to the left of center. The further left you go on the political spectrum, the more power is "liberally" disseminated to the many, and the further right you go, the more it is "conserved" to the few, and in the extreme, to only one. That's actually what the terms "liberal" and "conservative" refer to in political science -- distribution of power. Any form of government that uses free elections by the masses is automatically liberal and well left of center. So when you hear those terms used in American politics, it's relative to America's already liberal, leftward position on the political spectrum as established by the US Constitution.
2018-04-19 2:07 pm
The United States Constitution is very.....American.
2018-04-19 2:20 pm
It was Liberal for that time period. However, that Term doesnt mean .the same as all the Prrogressives that call themselves Liberals. Those are the people who LOVE Government involvement in everything when old Liberals disagree.- And then you have idiots that think Communism is HIP and Cool. Pretty much tells you the capacity for which they limited.
2018-04-19 2:33 pm
Since it supports the right to be happy Liberal
2018-04-19 2:16 pm
2018-04-19 2:09 pm
Its an agreement signed and voted on by both.
2018-04-19 2:09 pm
Inanimate objects are neither. It is a legal document that has changed over the years.
2018-04-19 2:24 pm
It is small central govt...big citizen.

Today's "lib/con" dynamic isn't captured within the original more libertarian intent.
2018-04-19 2:08 pm
it is socialist its about a nation of people and their rights some have taken it to the extreme hence the mess it is no longer a constitution its about money period
2018-04-19 2:07 pm
liberal. cons hate gov influence
2018-04-19 2:09 pm
It would probably be best described as on the conservative side of moderate. Like most things in life its a shade of grey and does not exist at one extreme or the other!
2018-04-19 2:09 pm
Conservative- but not conservative enough. We need the death penalty for misdemeanors.
2018-04-19 10:57 pm
Considering who put it together and the fact there was really no such designation as 'liberal' back then, I would say conservative. The constitution puts a lot of power in the hands of the state. The Framers, for the most part, believed in states' rights and limited federal government.
2018-04-19 2:07 pm

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