Ok I met up with a old friend to have lunch, we took his car back to his place in which he is renting a room, a little room.?

2018-04-18 10:49 pm
He said he just had to go in to get a part for his car first, I said then I don't need to come in, AND just to make it clear with you guys NO, I was not even looking for sex, because my monthly was ready to start, but any how he he said you can come in and wait in my room, now once again I was not interested in sex, I just saw him after years later, so why would I? But anyway after sitting on his bed, he jumped on top of me. I asked what the hell are you doing, he said I was so attractive he couldn't help himself! I just told him then I need to leave it scared me, and he called the next day, I never answered him, told his new girl what Happened, she said leave him alone he is crazy, and she too was trying to get away! He later contacted me said I was lying. He is not me! Why couldn't he just tell the truth?

回答 (2)

2018-04-20 1:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He should not have done that.... however, why did you go out to lunch with him? Why did you go into his room and sit on his bed? Not your fault, but you did place yourself in situations that you really shouldn't have to begin with. If he told the truth, he would lose his current girl and he already knows he aint getting you.
2018-04-18 11:09 pm
Because you said you would wait in his room he though you were looking for sex so he made the move

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