My bf, asked if I was coming over a few days ago, I said yeah I can hang out for a bit, but I didn't want to have sex at all that day,?

2018-04-18 8:40 pm
Was tired from work, plus had a headache, but I made it very clear I did not want sex, but why after dinner he started asking for sex, I was mad cuz I told him well I thought you understood I said I was not interested, cuz I was tired and had a headache, he says all the women he has been with always gave him sex, with a headache period, don't matter, never deprive him of it! I'm sad and really want to break up with him. When I say no, that's the way it is! It's like he confused.

回答 (8)

2018-04-18 11:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to break up with him then break up with him. You don't want to stick around with the wrong guy for too long and miss out on meeting the right one.
2018-04-18 8:44 pm
To me he sounds really dominant and controlling. me personally wouldn't still be with him .He shouldn't complain and compare to previous girls he has had sex with. Hun don't worry there will be many other men that will listen to you and treat you like a queen, I don't think he is right for you.
2018-04-18 11:26 pm
He's confused alright, and it seems to me it's all about him. He's disrespectful. And childish.

He's not deprived, i'm sure. You do whatever it is you have to do in order to retain your dignity.
2018-04-18 8:45 pm
Get rid of him.
All he really wants is a receptacle- clearly he doesn't care about you at all.
Demand better for yourself. Lose him.
2018-04-18 9:32 pm
No one should ever pressure or emotionally manipulate you into sex.

Next time, if there is a next time, he mentions all the other women who always gave him sex, then state ... You see the front door, go to them for sex, but remember it is only a ONE WAY door. You are not coming back.
2018-04-18 9:13 pm
Dump him, he is only using you for sex - if he cared or loved you he would understand how you feel and want to comfort you.
2018-04-18 11:19 pm
whats your question
2018-04-18 8:58 pm
It sounds like he doesn't like you, just a certain part of your anatomy. Are you okay with that?

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