How come Dems are promoting March for Science when they do not recognize the scientific difference between male and female?

2018-04-18 5:24 pm
Scientifically, it is really very simple:- if you have a Y-chromosome, you are male. If you do NOT have a Y-chromosome, you are female.
Anyone who doubts their assigned gender can have a chromosome assessment done.

If there hormonal production does not reflect their biological sex for some reason (very rare), they can be prescribed hormones through medication.

回答 (13)

2018-04-18 5:29 pm
Democrats recognize the scientific difference between male and female. They just also recognize the psychological science of gender identity disorders.
2018-04-18 5:28 pm

If you are a MORON and don't understand epigenetic mutations

According to your stupid view of the world, birth defects in the womb caused by the environment cannot exist

Epic Biology fail.
2018-04-18 5:31 pm
got your PhD?
2018-04-18 5:25 pm
I have a Ñ chromosome.
2018-04-18 6:00 pm
Probably because they are concerned that the current anti-science/ anti-intellectualism sweeping the USA is damaging your country both socially and economically! Do you really want to be seen by the world as a nation of thick-as-pigshit, boIIocks-for-brains f***wits?
That's how the civilised amongst us are starting to perceive americans thanks to self-opinionated, know-nothing morons like yourself!!
參考: Brit scientist
2018-04-18 5:59 pm
They do. They recognize that there are sociological and psychological differences between men and women, and there have been advancements in medical and technological science that can now give people born biologically male the secondary sex characteristics of a female, and vice versa so that they can live as the gender they identify with.
2018-04-18 5:38 pm
"Intersex people are born with any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies". Such variations may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female."

I'll let you read through the rest, as well as the footnotes and sources. Anyone willing to do this will realize that gender is not the purely binary 1/0 system you keep insisting it must be, because you have a mind grounded in dualism which is incapable of assessing actual data and any new argument.

Why it is almost as if you've never bothered to look into the matter, but just keep posting the same rants over and over, the one where your idea of "science" is based on things you learned in a rather poorly run middle-school, where "science" was carefully sanitized so as to not trigger the average conservative parent.

Dems promote the March for science, because quite frankly no Republican supports science anymore.
Your party platform seems to be based on being anti-science. You openly endorse absurdist ideas such as Creationism.

The only thing worse is those nouveau-libertarian fckwits who actually think coding makes them scientists and that political science is a real science.
2018-04-18 5:37 pm
Don’t worry about it. Republicans don’t represent women or transgender Americans.
2018-04-18 5:27 pm
They do.

They just disagree with the English you're using. No one disagrees with the science you're using.

The way we see it, there is no need to have two words that mean the same exact thing, ie sex and gender.

We also had no word for someone's identity that deals with their psychology and societal expectations.

So, we took a definition that had two words, sex and gender, and applied one of them(specifically the latter) to the above definition which had no word before to describe it.

If you notice, no one ever uses the word "sex" in the topic of there being more than just male and female, even people who believe there are more than just male and female. There's a reason for that.

Are there more than two sexes? Generally no, but you might make exception for hermaphrodites or people born with atypical sex chromosome combinations

Are there more than two genders? Yes.

Question for you: why are you so uptight on holding the word gender to mean what it used to mean, instead of what many people now use it to mean? You have another word to mean exactly what you mean: sex. So why not use that one, and let gender mean this now?
參考: As a little tiny side note; There's also reason why you learn those chromosomes as the "sex chromosomes" and not the "gender chromosomes". Pretty certain no one calls them the latter. Additionally, keep in mind that doctors and scientists didn't specialize in the English language(they specialized in medical science and science respectively), and they can often mistakenly call what they refer to as "sex", gender instead, even though "sex" would have been the correct word, and not "Gender".
2018-04-18 5:25 pm
They are nuts.
2018-04-18 5:27 pm
Sort of reminds me how we used to tell the sex of a Cell.....pull it's...Genes off. Okay. I'm obviously very tired. So, good night to all you good folks. Pleasant screams...I mean, dreams.
2018-04-18 8:28 pm
'Taint that simple, as you would know if you had ever taken a course in genetics. For example, what if you had XXY?
2018-04-18 5:55 pm
Ah much like a fetus which has SAID that it is a Life. Yet??

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