Can I have some advice, please?

2018-04-18 1:02 pm
I have been married to my wife for 2 years and she is 24. She has used tanning beds ever since she was 15 and she absolutely loves to tan. She likes being tan and likes the confidence it gives her. I have tried to persuade her not to use tanning beds for health reasons, but she tells me she really likes it and wants to keep doing it. She doesn't like being in a tanning bed at a tanning place because of the germs and other people using it, and she has mentioned that one day she would like her own. Her birthday is coming up and I have thought about buying her one for the house. Would that be mean of me? Would it be encouraging her to do something bad and make me a terrible husband?

回答 (2)

2018-04-18 9:47 pm
and what does your ''girlfriend of 8 months'' have to say about this? I think you are talking about your mother here, aren't you, little boy? Does talking about wives and gf's make you feel better about being such a laughable virgin? Are you buying presents for your mother because you wish you could be her bf? You really are a mess, aren't you?!!??
2018-04-18 1:40 pm
If you live in the United States, keep in mind...
1) You can't afford to pay for several years worth of cancer treatment that starts with skin cancer caused by years of self-irradiation (tanning booth use)
2) There is no such thing as health Insurance in the United States anymore. No matter how much you pay for mandatory insurance, they will not pay for a major illness like say, cancer...
3) Your hospital bills (after major medical insurance pays their contractually obligated part) are going to force your family into a financial situation where you have no choice but to file bankruptcy.
4) When the bankruptcy happens, you are starting over from zero. Which means no debts, but not enough time to build up your retirement savings, either.
5) No retirement. Wife dies early from cancer. You work every day until you die as any retirement savings you had were wiped out in the bankruptcy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:03:18
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