Can you help me, please?

2018-04-18 12:48 pm
I have been dating my girlfriend for 8 months and she is the sweetest thing ever. She is 23 and loves kids and is really down to earth and classy. The thing is, she is pretty innocent and a "good girl." Whenever we are intimate or just acting flirty, sometimes I will call her my "bad girl" or my "dirty girl," and that will absolutely drive her wild. She gets the biggest smile on her face and she kisses me more passionately. Why would she do this when I call her that? Also, she doesn't ever cuss, but loves to cuss in bed. Why?

回答 (4)

2018-04-19 4:24 am
I think you are lonely 😩
2018-04-18 9:43 pm
Oh you poor, sad, lonely little boy... we all know you have never had a gf, and you have never had sex, because you have huge mother issues and you are terrified of women... making up stories on here makes you feel better, I know, but really, you are just making a fool of yourself. Go back to your sad, sordid little room in your Mommys basement, and leave the happy people alone?
2018-04-20 2:42 am
Girls can easily change their personality when in bed. One who seems pretty innocent in public can lose their inhibitions when they get to bed and want sex. To them it's like acting versus real life.
2018-04-19 12:37 am
You don't need help! This is actually rather common and it's even healthy.

Read these lyrics to an old song by Charlie Rich. My parents loved this song, and it's proof of what I just said. It's also a pretty cool song:

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