Why would someone add to their CVs "Calm under pressure"?

2018-04-18 1:23 am
In my opinion, if someone writes like that, they are telling to companies "you can say whatever you want, you can insult me, you can give me everyone's work, you can make me feel hate my life, and I will accept that". Do you let companies make you feel stressed, depressed and negative after work?

回答 (5)

2018-04-18 1:56 am
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"Calm under pressure" would be something I would look for in an employee. It is a positive attribute. It would also depend on the job that person held, as some jobs don't demand much. Other jobs where one has to deal directly with the public, like bank tellers, etc...one would have to maintain composure and brain sanity. Some people would faint dead away if confronted with an error they couldn't handle, or a gun demanding cash or money, etc. "Calm under pressure" is a good thing to have, not something to be frowned at.
2018-04-18 1:38 am
It means that you have a personality type that will make others feel more calm if something unexpected/stressful happens.
2018-04-18 2:05 am
I usually just put "I haven't killed anyone, yet."
2018-04-18 1:29 am
That's not at all what "calm under pressure" means. It doesn't mean that you are a pushover or don't care about things, it just means that you don't react emotionally when you need to act rationally.
2018-04-18 1:29 am
Some types of work demand that employees are calm under pressure - its the nature of the job say police, ambulance, air traffic controller, teacher , stock broker for example

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