Will Trumps lawyer Cohen's turn on him and if so will impeachment process be set in motion if he's s found guilty?

2018-04-18 1:21 am

回答 (13)

2018-04-18 1:27 am
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If the lawyer is smart, he will comply with the investigations where legally obligated to do so, speak only the truth, and let the chips fall where they may.

If that means an impeachment for Trump, so be it. And I won't be surprised if it comes to that.
2018-04-18 3:49 am
If Cohen needs to save his own ***, he will turn on trump.
2018-04-18 1:31 am
Impeachment is when the House of Representatives decide that the President has a case to answer relating to "grave crimes and misdemeanors". Once impeached, he is tried by the Senate sitting as a Court of Law. If found guilty he's sacked and the senate have the power to fine him or imprison him. Unless a President does something so serious that his own party disowns him, he's only likely to be impeached and tried if his party is a minority in both houses.

Bill Clinton was impeached, but the Senate didn't dare try him because they knew that sacking the most popular President in history would spell the end of their careers.
2018-04-18 9:28 am
I guess it depends on what he has to say.
2018-04-18 3:59 am
Not likely but once the dems take back over in November he will be impeached.
2018-04-18 3:47 am
2018-04-18 3:50 am
Because eh knows the law, Trump;s lawyer will work it to benefit himself just as he has worked it to benefit Trump. In the end, Cohen will be the winner.
2018-04-18 5:12 am
Who knows what Cohen will do? I don't think he will.
There will be no impeachment.
2018-04-18 1:47 am
lawyers do not have the option to "turn on" their clients. its such a huge breech of professional ethics that the lawyer would be disbarred.
2018-04-18 1:25 am
Turn on him for what? Impeached for what?

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