What does it mean, "to be tickled the deepest shade of shrimp" in the following quotation?

2018-04-17 5:59 pm
I am tickled the deepest shade of shrimp?
This is from the movie "Paddington 2." Phoenix Buchanan (Hugh Grant) is the host of the opening ceremony of Steam Fair and he says, " I am tickled the deepest shade of shrimp to have been asked here tonight to open this wonderful old steam fair."
Your help will be much appreciated, thanks.

回答 (3)

2018-04-17 6:53 pm
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It derives from the expression 'to be tickled pink', meaning to be very pleased, proud, flattered or appreciative.
To be 'tickled the deepest shade of shrimp' suggests being even MORE proud, flattered, pleased etc.
Shrimps can be various shades of pink.
2018-04-17 6:20 pm
Flattered or excited and blushing.
2018-04-17 6:09 pm
it's to be tickled pink, shrimp are usually pink too

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