Should I sign office birthday cards, when I didn’t get one myself?

2018-04-17 3:03 pm
I seem to be working in an office where there is favouritism. We have all been here at least 2 years. The whole office knew it was my birthday in March, but I never got a card. Now, two birthday cards have come round for signing as two girls birthdays are soon. I really don't feel like signing them out of principle (I was left out for mine), but what should I do? I feel hurt I was left out when it was my birthday, but should I sign them or not?

It wasn't an oversight at all, as I asked some of them if they'd like to go out with me for my birthday and I told them when it was.

回答 (9)

2018-04-17 3:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No, don't.
2018-04-17 3:38 pm
Oh, Christ on a stick. Get over yourself.

Etiquette, where you’ve posted, says that you sign them. Of course you sign them.

Then you change your diaper and stop thinking it’s funny to post this kind of thing. It’s not funny, it doesn’t upset anyone, it doesn’t matter. It’s just a waste of time and space - both of which useful things could be pondered in. Useful things like roadkill, stink bugs, and family embarrassments.
2018-04-18 5:54 pm
2018-04-18 1:00 pm
Get over yourself and sign the darn card! So, your co-workers didn't get you a card for your birthday. Big deal! Your birthday is no earth-shaking event!!
Did your birthday fall on a weekend? If so, that's probably why you didn't get a card. You wouldn't be there to receive it.
2018-04-17 7:25 pm
You should have enough brain matter to make that decision all by your widdle self but if you can't call your mommy and ask her since she clearly didn't teach you sheet!
2018-04-17 3:16 pm
If u do not want u do not need to do anything. Do not sign them, i also dont think the birthday girls will even notice
2018-04-17 3:25 pm
it depends on you.
2018-04-17 3:09 pm
Yours probably made the rounds as well. Then got mislaid. Most folks probably assume you received it. Of course you join in! Your card could be under the seat of the secretary or was mistakenly tossed out by the janitor. There is no reason to assume you are sorted out to be intentionally slighted! Get yourself a card if you feel badly and write yourself a love letter. You likely deserve something nice. It's just that no one knows you never received one.
2018-04-17 3:07 pm
Id sign them, it may have been a genuine oversight your birthday was missed. Next year publish the date of your by invitin them out for a drink.

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