Why am I not in my manager's schedule (read details)?
回答 (3)
Sorry, I forgot to add the details.
I recently started working at a fast food joint (2 weeks ago) and so far every time i come into work it's because the manager says stuff like " come back on [weekday]", so I don't have a formal schedule. Last saturday i went to work and noticed i wasn't in the new schedule, so this morning before i went to school i went in and talked with my boss about that and he gave me his phone number and told me to text him later about the issue. A few hours later I texted him about the problem and even gave him a list of days and hours i could work and finished it off by telling him to let know what days he decides he wants me to work. He reeponded with a simple "okay". What now? When should I expect a text back? What if he doesn't text back?. thank you
you need to ask your manager that question
You probably won't get a schedule that tays the same every week.
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:18:20
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