Is there a word for, maybe, a character with no physical gender at all?

2018-04-17 7:18 am
A character with no reproductive organs or anything. I have this character but I am still deciding on what it should be, I was thinking of maybe making it a human but everything but its head is made up of mechanical parts. I just need a label so i can easily see all of my different ideas for the character only using one or two words...anyway, I just wanted to know if there is a word for this no physical gender thing.

回答 (8)

2018-04-17 7:20 am
"humanoid". (Just don't include any of the gender-pieces that could have been there.)
2018-04-17 7:36 am
Agender may be the word you’re looking for
2018-04-17 7:26 am
Gender neutral.

A human with robotic parts is called a cyborg.
2018-04-21 11:26 am
Ursula Le Guin used androgynes. in her book Left Hand of Darkness.

The biggest problem in making such 'characters" is what pronoun to use, rather than what word to use. It simply isn't a real substitute for him or her.
2018-04-18 9:25 am
If you're looking for an adjective, "genderless" or "androgynous" would probably be the simplest and clearest way to go.

If you're looking for a pronoun, "it" would obviously be the best.

If you're looking for a noun, there isn't one that doesn't also apply to gendered lifeforms, so you get to make one up.
2018-04-17 8:30 am
The idea of a neuter gender isn't exactly a new one in scifi, especially for robots.
2018-04-17 7:32 am
2018-04-17 7:22 am

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