How do I stop people from thinking I'm a school shooter?

2018-04-16 10:29 am
About a month ago, someone posted on Snapchat that they were gonna shoot up my school and everyone thinks it was me even though I don't even use Snapchat. My friends tell me I look like a School shooter almodt every day, kids I don't even know ask me if I would spare them when I shoot the school up, people act scared of me even when I don't know them, when ever I am interested in girls people always tell them I'm crazy and will shoot up the school and then they automatically don't like me. This has been a problem for 2 years now and I don't know how to stop it. I do have lots of depression at the moment. I was abused a lot my whole life, I was bullied through all of elementary school, I don't talk to people, I'm a loner, I wear all black, I listen to music like Korn, Slayer and Metallica. I feel like I am a nice person but people get the wrong idea because of the way I look. People say it's because I have ling hair. I grow my hair because I like to headbang and have my hair fly and stuff and I was also never a short hair fan. I don't understand why people would think I would shoot up a school when I donate to the ASPCA every month, I don't own ANY weapons, I don't even know how to work a damn gun... How do I change people's thoughts about me because it makes me feel so bad. I would never shoot up a School. Also I try to explain to people I would never shoot up a School and they always say something like "you look like a person that would walk into a School with a gun." Wtf...

回答 (4)

2018-04-16 10:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Okay, here's my advice for what it's worth. Don't cut your hair but start to tie it back into a low pony tail so you don't look as scary. Try to mix in a color t shirt once in a while and if you want to show a sense of humor then make a little sign and pin it on your shirt saying "harmless nice guy.' Yeah, it's stupid but that's the idea. Then if someone comments on it just say your tired of people thinking your dangerous because your not. If people talk to you that's a good thing and can't hurt. Being a loner is fine but when it causes problems like now, then it's time to fake being a people person. It can save you lots of grief.
2018-04-16 11:51 pm
Ignore & pray for them!
2018-04-16 11:21 pm
This is abusive bullying.
Talk to your parents and let them talk to the teacher and principal.
2018-04-16 10:44 am
you cant change other people but maybe you can change schools so you dont have to see them every day

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