Did the recent strikes sends a clear message to 'animal Assad':- "Let our gas pipelines through your country or else!!!"?

2018-04-16 3:59 am

回答 (6)

2018-04-16 4:05 am
THIS is the reason for Russia to occupy Syria.
A straight line for their gas lines.
Thanks for telling the Word what we knew years ago!
2018-04-16 4:09 am
2018-04-16 4:01 am
No it sent the world a message that America is still the only super power and that trump will lay waste to any country he needs to
2018-04-16 4:49 am
Yes....the Saudis have the oil, Qatar the nat gas....they need part of Syria for pipelines, hoping to supply Europe and put the Ruskies out of business.
2018-04-16 4:04 am
No. In case you had not looked at the business page of a newspaper for the last five years, oil and gas are on their way out -- all over the world. Renewable energy and high efficiency cars are replacing fossil fuels. And no one except Trump's "base" are still buying into the nonsense about coal coming back.
2018-04-16 4:03 am
One way or another, Syria will be assimilated to the Jewish world order. Their food will be produced with GMO seeds, their banks will be part of the IMF, World Bank system, and their resources, including land, will be (((Westernized))).

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:04:24
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