The Syrian opposition terrorists just 'launch' a fake chem attack, and big bro Donald comes and bombs their's easy isn't it?

2018-04-14 6:43 pm

Hoarseman: You misunderstand Donny and the terrorists! Donny usually doesn't need physical evidence ..... some faked reports from the terrorist arm, the 'white helmets' ..... and of course some gruesome fake video to go with it ...... is usually enough for Donny and the fake media to go in a frenzy!!!!


(Of course where physical evidence IS necessary, the human shields that the terrorists have ensnared are easily expendable ............but only when really needed - which is not that often.)

回答 (8)

2018-04-14 6:58 pm
Yes, it is easy to swallow the Russian propaganda, as you have.

Step one is to accept every conspiracy theory as a fact;
2018-04-14 6:54 pm
Or…Assad launched the attack but planned to frame his opponents to make it look like they did it. How deep down the rabbit hole dare you look?
2018-04-14 7:05 pm
A small anti Assad enclave, totally surrounded by Syrian and Russian armed forces -- launches an attack on its own women and children , using chemical weapons ?

You have to have pretty dumb to assert that -- but incredibly stupid to believe it .

Are you part of the Russian Dumb and Dumber combo?
2018-04-14 7:03 pm
The truth is that life is full of '****' and then you die. No one seems to know, or better is interested to establish a true long lasting peace for all mankind.
2018-04-14 7:57 pm
Life's easy if you're a Russian troll making up lies. How's the weather in Stalingrad?
2018-04-14 7:01 pm
2018-04-14 7:53 pm
So, what you are saying is that the liberals and democrats are now pro-Russian? Yesterday and for the past year, you all have been anti-Russian.
2018-04-14 6:54 pm
Its all about money.

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