What's going on in Syria? Explain to newb please.?

2018-04-14 3:59 pm
Hi, I know nothing about politics, can someone please explain what's going on in Syria, and what's the history between USA, Russia and Syria etc. in very simple words?? I keep seeing it on the news and still have no idea of any story behind it.


回答 (7)

2018-04-14 4:56 pm
they want rid of Putin because Putin wants to nationalise Russia's Central Bank

The Tsar of Russia refused to have a Rothschild Central Bank in Russia 100 years ago - he and his family were all killed in a basement by Communists on the orders of Lenin who was funded by the bankers

Communist Soviet Union installed a Central Bank which is still controlled by the City of London today

Putin wants to break away from it and that's what it's all about really


2018-04-14 6:16 pm
Assad was running a peaceful, moderate dictatorship

Some saudi/israel funded al qaeda rebels started a war to turn it into an islamic state

ISIS attacked from Iraq

Kurds are radical leftists that defend their territories from extremists

The Russians and Iranians are helping Assad to restore Syria to its peaceful pre 2011 state, where it was the most tolerant country in the Middle East toward religious minorities

West are funding and helping Al Qaeda to destroy the country and turn it into another Libya, they can't toolerate them because they are friendly with Russia/Iran and not the owned by the West's money
2018-04-14 5:12 pm
U.S.A, France and the U.K as an alliance, has bombed Syria as a warning not to use chemical weapons on it's own civilian population. Russia has said that most of the incoming missiles were shot down by it's superior anti missile system. We shall see.
2018-04-14 7:50 pm
Back in 2011, the Syrian people rose up in protest against their dictator Bashar al-assad. When he responded with violence it turned into a civil war. This true in fighters from around the region, with a number of Arab states supporting the rebels. Things got more complicated with the rise of ice switch controlled a large section of the country. After Isis invaded parts of a rack the US began fighting against them, mainly in cooperation with ethnic Kurdish militias in the east of the state. The Assad regime, which one point looked on the brink of collapse, has been getting a lot of help from its allies Russia and Iran. A couple years ago a side used chemical weapons against the rebels and the US warned him not to. He used chemical weapons again on his people and Trump has decided to conduct an air strike as punishment
2018-04-14 8:19 pm
The Odid Yinon Plan continued.
2018-04-14 4:49 pm
Some death some gas some sex and some news reports.
2018-04-16 1:41 am
You are capable of researching the history and current events like anybody else. No one is going to do all that work for you.

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