Did you know this? About demons? Your opinions?

2018-04-14 2:51 am
Demons can influence us?

Through deception. The Bible encourages Christians to “fight against the devil’s evil tricks.” (Ephesians 6:11, NCV ) One of his tricks is to deceive people into believing that his agents are actually servants of God.—2 Corinthians 11:13-15.

Spiritism. The Devil misleads people through spirit mediums, fortune-tellers, and those who practice divination or astrology. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) Drug use, hypnotism, and meditation techniques that empty the mind also expose a person to demon control.—Luke 11:24-26.

False religion. Religions that teach false doctrines mislead people into disobeying God. (1 Corinthians 10:20) The Bible calls such false beliefs “teachings of demons.”—1 Timothy 4:1.

Possession. The Bible records cases of evil spirits taking control of individuals. Sometimes demon-possessed people were struck blind or mute or even injured themselves.—Matthew 12:22; Mark 5:2-5.

回答 (18)

2018-04-14 2:54 am
Oh good grief. Delusional Christers and all their invisible friends. It's actually bordering on the insanely ludicrous. Rolls eyes
2018-04-14 3:12 am
Submit yourself therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you the way you resist the devil is to learn God's word and to practice it submit yourself to God's word and put it into practice in your life that will make it hard for the devil to get himself involved in your life
2018-04-14 10:24 am
They are masters at deception. Look at the "father of the lie" , Satan the devil. Look at how he deceived the perfect woman, Eve. The bible tells us exactly what they are doing right now, and how their end is soon to be here.
參考: Jw.org
2018-04-14 3:07 am
I know the dead cannot do anything or feel anything. The soul dies; it does not live on after death. (Ezekiel 18:4.
But sometimes wicked angels, called demons, pretend to be spirits of the dead.

Any custom that have to do with fear or worship of the dead is wrong. Read Isaiah 8:19.
參考: Bible
2018-04-14 2:56 am
Did you also know that demons are man-made ideas that originally did not have any evil or malevolent connotations until the invention of the Septuatgint in the 2nd century BC?

Demons were originally believed to be responsible for success or intelligence such as Socrates who believed he was possessed by a demon companion that advised him on philosophical issues. Malevolence was believed to be the works of the gods as punishment to humans and portrayed in Genesis, Exodus and numerous Old Testament books.

This view began to gradually shift after Plato released a number of dialogs regarding perfect judgement and perfect morality - thus transforming the role that gods and demons played in human affairs. Today, gods are no longer the arbiters of punishment and vengeance for misbehaving humans. Pain and suffering for disobedience are now meted out by demons and devils under the watchful grace of a new and improved skygod.
2018-04-15 1:34 am
yup, seen them too, as a child......but no more....they are the source of temptation........and some of the readers small children will see them, and yet the parents won't understand....
2018-04-14 3:51 am
'Demons' are imaginary.

People don't need any help doing the things that 'demons' or 'devils' are supposedly making them do.
2018-04-14 11:18 am
Are you claiming that an ALL-POWERFUL Divine Being, in which YOU believe, would bother to create DEMONS?

Are you claiming that the Divine Being in which YOU believe, had ALWAYS KNOWN that IF He created angels, a specific number of them would BECOME demons, and yet, He was STUPID enough to create those specific helpers ANYWAY?

What research did you actually DO, to prove to yourself that a Divine Being SO powerful that it does not NEED helpers, would create them ANYWAY, all the while KNOWING that they would become demons??

(Report monkeys, please note: I am not claiming that your favorite God WAS stupid enough to create whatever are now "demons". I am claiming that, IF an all-knowing and all-powerful Divine Being DOES exist, it could not possibly be stupid enough to MAKE demons.)
2018-04-14 3:54 am
I'm not generally that naïve. I work with facts. Not made up mythology.
2018-04-14 2:53 am
My opinion .....

Christianity = Every demon
because “christians” no longer have a reason to have confidence in themselves
when they can lean back on the convenience of a bookwritten amenity that will soak up their transgressions.

This is their idea of a “gift” from God = Go figure.

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