Why is fired FBI director Comey such a slime ball?

2018-04-13 8:35 pm

回答 (9)

2018-04-13 8:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He's a Hillary supporter, just like Mueller and his team..
2018-04-13 8:39 pm
He escapes a lot of criticism and persecution that he deserves.
2018-04-13 8:47 pm
He has a book to promote.
2018-04-13 8:44 pm
He spends his life kicking over rocks, looking for slime. It rubs off.
2018-04-13 8:39 pm
He is an odd egg.
2018-04-13 8:42 pm
Because he's telling the truth about Donald Trump and, to his sycophants, that equates to sliminess. Of course, to any rational person, the opposite is true: Lying for Trump is the slimy thing to do.
2018-04-13 8:38 pm
Because Trump is scared straight.
2018-04-13 9:44 pm
Because he wrote a tell-all book about a sitting president, trying to monetize over his own firing.
2018-04-13 9:29 pm
He isn't.
2018-04-13 9:15 pm
he is not

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