I'm seeing this guy, and we are FWB, however I told him I don't like giving blow jobs to men I'm not in a?

2018-04-13 4:11 am
Relationship with he gets angry and I just leave him, then he tells me I will never have a future cuz I will never have a man, I said so I don't need a man, and i said why waste time on one man when I have plenty to choose from, he then says please *****! Next day he says he said that cuz of what I said about a man. Why he care he didn't want a relationship.if I had more than one why he care.

回答 (8)

2018-04-13 4:21 am
Sex might be fun obviously, as are drink and drugs no doubt, but outside of a strong and well established relationship it can turn out to be disastrous. Not only can pregnancy and STDs result, but sexual intercourse can often be emotionally bonding (especially if regular or frequent), and when the strong friendship, mutual values and interests etc. are not in place this can prove emotionally confusing. Just read some of the questions here, or watch some of the daytime t.v. shows with very unhappy people who have had sex too soon and/or with the wrong person. It can also cost a girl her self respect and the respect of others (including future boyfriends/partners).
2018-04-13 4:20 am
He's just blowing off steam trying to manipulate you into doing things you wish not to do for whatever your reasons are. He's assuming that FWB means there's no limits in your physical activities. This is not true. Tell him to either make you his girlfriend or be done with him in this way.
2018-04-13 4:47 am
Then what 'benefit' is there? Are you saying that you'll have sex with him, but you won't give him a BJ? If so, then what's he got to complain about?

But as others have said, FWB's don't demand anything of their friends. They're friends. It is a benefit, not an obligation. Don't like it? Get lost.
2018-04-13 4:23 am
FWB shouldn't be that complicated... move on
2018-04-13 4:18 am
Just don't see him anymore. He sounds like a jerk. There's some good guys out there where sex isn't everything. You will have a future.
2018-04-13 9:35 am
Enough with the FWB relationship already! More trouble than they're worth and personally undermining.
2018-04-13 10:44 pm
It's your prerogative on what sex acts you perform. He's evidently seen too much porn where it's almost standard now to expect a girl to do it all.
2018-04-13 5:10 am
ru totally stupid----fwb no bj but he can muff u out how fair is that

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