Can I sue Honda dealer?

2018-04-11 2:01 am
A dealer keep pushing me to the limit after I told him various times I'll pass on the deal, but he wouldn't stop coming back to me this happened yesterday

回答 (17)

2018-04-11 2:07 am
If you're asking whether you can successfully sue a car dealer for trying to sell you a car, the answer is no. If you believe you've been harassed, complain to the manager.
2018-04-11 2:04 am
Sue? Lawsuits are designed to recover damages from people who have caused harm by wrongdoing. You mentioned no wrongdoing, no harm and no causation.
2018-04-11 2:04 am
Litigation costs money. All you need to do is walk away.
2018-04-11 2:03 am
Not likely.
Tell him to get lost. DO not answer calls and flag e-mails as spam.
2018-04-11 2:02 pm
Sue them for what? Are you saying that he kept coming to your house and harassing you about it? Or were you sitting at the dealership when you decided against the deal and he kept trying to talk you into it. Sue them because you failed to say no and walk out? Of course not. You would not win if you tried.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2018-04-11 3:33 am
You can certainly waste your money trying, but you don't have good cause to be successful. But what I am confused on is that you get asked to buy stuff over and over every day, but you don't want to sue any of those people. I am talking about all the advertising we are all inundated with where ever we go and at home on TV and on the Internet.

If the Honda Dealer took away your freedom from leaving the premises forcing you to have to confront the salesman over and over you would have a case. But your own choice to remain available, and to choose to respond to him at all can't be blamed on someone else. In the same way you were not under obligation by law to buy a Honda, the dealer is not restricted from offering to sell you one.
2018-04-11 2:17 am
I don;t believe you have any idea what it means " to sue"
2018-04-11 2:56 am
Then you should have WALKED AWAY to drive the point home but you didn't and went ahead and agreed to it so no you can't because he did NOT hold a gun to your empty head fool!

All you're doing is whiny like a frigging 4 year old brat! If someone tried that sht with me I would have told the shove the damn car up their azz and walked off without buying it but you were spineless and gave in and let them have their damn way.
2018-04-11 2:10 am
We just bought a new car and had the same thing going on with the different dealerships. Just tell him you bought from another dealership, or don't answer the calls.
2018-04-12 10:56 pm
Send the Honda dealer a certified non-communication letter d r Honda dealer situated at such-and-such Street this is your statutory notice not to contact me for any reason or purpose! After you send this letter by registered mail or certified mail and he still contact you then you can sue him for harassment and file criminal charges and maybe Actully recover punitive damages you won't get much maybe $500 but you can stop them from calling you
2018-04-12 7:44 am
High pressure sales techniques are extremely annoying but they are not illegal.
2018-04-11 9:50 pm
Sue for what? Trying to sell you a car? Grow up.
2018-04-11 2:47 am
Possibly so
2018-04-11 2:17 am
What financial amount are you out of pocket for?
2018-04-11 2:10 am
What do you mean? What did he do to you? Hit you? Call the police.
2018-04-11 2:02 am
Yeah...they do that. Tell him to f*** off and walk away.
2018-04-11 2:06 am
It sounds like harassment. Document everything that has happened. Then contact your lawyer.

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