What's worse? Assad bombing 1,000s of his own citizens, or Israel protecting it's borders and killing a few Palestinians in the process?

2018-04-10 9:15 pm

回答 (11)

2018-04-10 9:22 pm
To quote Stalin, "they're both worse!"

The US's policy on both is despicable.

1) it's too scared of Russia to make a real stand on Assad so it continually allows him to commit gross crimes against humanity with no real repercussion, news media was talking about that air strike last year but failing to mention, it was an empty air field, and they were flying planes from it within a day. It was the most useless, impotent show of power I can imagine (a metaphor for the Trump presidency, really).
2) It actively supports a brutal, authoritarian dictatorship that exploits and abuses the Palestinian population every single day despite internationally every single human in earth with the slightest bit of knowledge understanding this is an illegal occupation. You can't talk of a two-state solution when Israel is setting up illegal settlements on land it doesn't own. You're just talking out of your ***.
2018-04-10 9:22 pm
They're as bad as each other, and Israel is not protecting its borders, Israel has no border, Palestine is being occupied by Europeans and they are murdering people just trying to get back to their homes
2018-04-10 9:31 pm
It's all about wording isn't it? Assad is protecting his borders from extremists sponsored by the west to overthrow his government and instil a western puppet while Israel are expanding their borders daily bulldozing down ancient Palestinian homes and replacing them with new Jewish settler homes...what are they defending themselves from anyway rocks been thrown at them?
2018-04-10 11:30 pm
Theresa May whipping the dogs of war a born jinx and loser is worse she wants to be Tony Blaire and kill a million people on a pack of lies again she is a vile woman the British people are stupid fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me that is worse there are 64 million people in the UK she is playing with their lives Russia is not Iraq you cannot shoot a nuclear missile across their bows Mrs May this is 2018
2018-04-11 1:45 am
Pres Assad is not bombing his own people. There is a war with many groups including some funded by the U.S. and Israel who are trying to overthrow and kill Assad. Should he not defend his government? Ordinary people are caught up in areas where the air strikes and shelling by rebels is taking place. Russia arranged for militants and civilians to be evacuated from Douma. There is no need for Assad to attack his own people. He does not have chemical weapons but the rebels do, just like last year. These groups commit the crime so Assad can be blamed so the U.s. will react as it is and threaten him. The country is already unlivable and just ripe for an Islamic caliphate.
2018-04-11 7:37 pm
Hello Skidoo,

The Palestinians allege they “peacefully”-protest, so let’s take a look at what allegedly “peaceful-protesting” means to the Palestinians:

For example, the clashes at the Gaza border in April 2018:

The reader will have noticed that it tends to become clear that pro-Palestinian contributors do not know, and (likely) also do not want to know, what Palestinians killed were doing, at the time of each incident.

Allegedly-peaceful Palestinian protest - Gaza border April 2018:

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31 March 2018, 10:44 pm:

“The Israeli military on Saturday night identified 10 of the 15 people reported killed during violent protests along the Gaza security fence as members of Palestinian terrorist groups ...
According to the Israel Defense Forces [see website for Arabic link], eight of the men killed were members of Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip. One served in the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and another was affiliated with “global jihad,” it said, apparently referring to one of the Salafist groups in Gaza.

Earlier on Saturday, Hamas publicly acknowledged that five members of its military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, were among the fatalities.”


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3 April 2018, 5:52 pm:

“A Palestinian man was shot dead by Israeli forces as he broke through the Gaza security fence on Tuesday, as tensions continued days after at least 16 people were reported killed in a mass border demonstration.

The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry identified the dead man as 25-year-old Ahmed Arafa, saying he was shot in the chest during clashes east of Bureij in central Gaza. The military wing of the DFLP (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine) terrorist group identified him as a member.”


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30 March 2018, 12:42 pm:

“The Israel Defense Forces estimated that over 30,000 Palestinians took part in Hamas-encouraged “March of Return” demonstrations along the Gaza border, focused at six main protest sites where rioters

threw firebombs and

stones at troops,

tried to bomb and

breach the security fence, and

burned tires.

The IDF spokesman Ronen Manelis said the IDF faced “a violent, terrorist demonstration at six points” along the fence. He said the IDF
used “pinpoint fire”
wherever there were attempts to breach or damage the security fence.

“All the fatalities were aged 18-30, several of the fatalities were known to us, and at least two of them were members of Hamas commando forces,” he said in a late afternoon statement.

In one incident, the IDF said,
two gunmen approached the border and opened fire on troops,
prompting return fire.
No soldiers were hurt in that or any other incident, the army said.”


[I have added additional "carrier returns" to the extract text.]

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Pro-Palestinians often falsely-claim the Palestinians are an “oppressed people with no weapons”.

My response:

The Palestinian weapons seem to come out at night, since there have been at least two Palestinian gunmen shooting at the IDF from the Security Fence at night, as can be viewed on the latter website.

“Oppressed People”:
Let's take a look at what the term “Oppression” actually means to the Palestinians:
It is Palestinian frustration with Israeli security measures that make it more inconvenient for the Palestinians to murder Israeli Jewish civilians whenever the fancy takes them.
The Palestinians cynically term their anti-Jewish hate-war:
“uprising”, “defence”, “desperation”, “struggle”, “resistance”.
Palestinians are paid a “pension” to murder Jewish Israelis including children, yet while Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemns the ISIS murder of children in Manchester, England – see my answer at:

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UN Elizabeth Throssell, UN Human Rights Office spokesperson, accused Israel of:
“... an excessive use of force and in particular lethal force and that's in a situation where there's no threat of death or serious injury ...”
(Reported France 24 English News April 8, 2018.)
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Apart from ignoring violence used by the so-called “peaceful” Palestinian protesters intended to injure or kill Israeli security, Elizabeth Throssell’s (above) statement deliberately-ignores the “threat of death or serious injury” to Israeli civilians were Palestinians to pass the security fence into Israel, as clearly shown by the following example of what the Palestinians would do:

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[On July 21, 2017 (during Palestinian “protests” following the Palestinian terrorist attack at the Temple Mount of July 14, 2017):]

“A Palestinian wielding a knife stabbed and killed three Israelis in Halamish, a settlement located north of Ramallah. A fourth Israeli was wounded in the attack, the Israeli MDA emergency services told CNN.
The attacker climbed a fence and "was able to penetrate one of the houses, which was close to the village perimeter," said the spokesman, who did not want to be named.

Palestinian militant group Hamas praised the attack. "We bless the heroic Halamish operation which came as a result to the Zionist occupation violations and crimes against our people in Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque," the group said on Twitter.”


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Typically biased News reporting:

A Sky News narrator voiced-over the scene of violence being shown, with words similar to:
“The Palestinians are burning tyres to try to protect themselves from Israeli bullets, but it doesn't seem to work ...”
The Palestinians burn tyres to allow members of their military organisations to seek to break through the Israeli Security Fence unseen, in order to carry out terrorism in Israel. Many of the Palestinian casualties have since been identified as Hamas operatives – see above.

I hope this helps.

參考: Please click the sources given above, or if any are not clickable you can copy their address to your web browser's address bar.
2018-04-10 10:33 pm
They’re both as worse as each other. Millions of Palestinians have been killed since Israel was carved out of that area and Israel government bulldozes Palestinian homes and takes their land and builds more homes. The Jews do not care at all about Palestinians and what their going through. To them it’s their land and God apparently gave it to them 3000 years ago. They always have excuses made up for whatever atrocities they commit towards Palestinians and then bang on about how they are a democracy with human rights and equality for everyone.

Jews deserved the holocaust.
2018-04-11 3:35 am
Assaad is way worse. And there is no such thing as Palestine. You can't find the place on a map. Isreal is defending itself from the surrounding countries who want them dead for being jews. They are surrounded on all sides by enemies. So yeah I have no sympathy for those who attack Isreal.
2018-04-18 2:08 am
Israel does not kill Palestinians for fun, but aims at the terrorist who kills Israeli civilians (Jews and non-Jews) with bombs, rockets and knives in the streets. Israel is engaging in the fight against terrorism, as many countries do - like for example the United States and other western countries against ISIS.

Asad is killing innocent women and children just to continue his director regime and suppress more human rights. Israel fights terrorism to defend its civilians - can t you see the difference? It s fine to criticize Israel, but to signal out Israel and be biased towards Israel is plain racist. Think you are not racist - think again!
2018-04-12 5:46 pm
Just because Assad is a turd, doesn't justify Israel's behavior.

Claiming you invaded a neighbor fifty years ago and seized their territory because they would some day use Chemical weapons isn't a real reason to practice apartheid.
2018-04-10 9:23 pm
Assad obviously. The Palestinians at least have a choice not to invite an Israeli miltiary response to attempts to lift the siege of Gaza.

The Russian approach is to go all the way into turning Assad non-government held areas that refuse to surrender into rubble regardless of humanitarian issues.

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