What does it mean if my boss is doing this?

2018-04-10 2:53 pm
I'm a 17 year old boy that got employed at a Jack in the Box (fast food) about a week ago. I applied to be a cashier, and yes I understand that cashiers also have to help with other tasks but hear me out. The actual manager at my job is a guy called Jose but he's out temporarily and left another manager called Liz in charge while he's gone. I went in last Tuesday for my first day. Liz asked if I was the kid Jose had hired and I said yes, but Liz wasn't told about me coming that day, so Liz just gave me a tour of the place and in the end she had me sweep, clean the tables, take out the trash, and clean the windows and told me to come again on Wednesday. Wednesday, I went in, and AGAIN Liz had me clean the whole time I was there but this time I was able to bag some orders and hand them to customers. I was told to come back again on Friday and that I'd get cashier training that day but once again on Friday Liz had me clean the whole time because she had forgotten the her supervisor would visit our location. At the end of Friday Liz told me to come back again on Wednesday (2 days from now). I haven't gotten trained as a cashier and Liz is just telling me days when she wants me to come instead of assigning me a schedule and I'm afraid of telling her I can't come in on certain days because of school because i don't want her to think I'm unreliable and possibly give me less days. What do you think I should do? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

回答 (5)

2018-04-10 8:34 pm
You should tell her your school schedule and let her know what days you can work and ask if there is any way she can give you a more set schedule.
2018-04-10 7:19 pm
Just because you "applied" for a cashier position, does not mean thats the job you will get.
You have to be TRAINED on the register, and if they dont have someone available to train you, them you get stuck cleaning or doing other menial tasks.
Discuss it with the manager who hired yoi when he returns.
Get used to cleaning. Youre at the bottom of the totem pole, you'll be doing it often anyways.
2018-04-10 5:27 pm
Yeah you've greatly over-estimated your actual worth as a worker.
Kids working their first jobs are virtually useless, which is why they're often used to clean things.

Especially when they already have a full schedule, because she barely even was aware you've been hired..

Keep your head down and work every day they offer you till they accept you're not a moron and are willing to trust you with money.
2018-04-10 9:43 pm
You are correct in thinking that they are not obligated in any way shape or form to work around your schedule, but you are obligated to work around theirs. This should have been discussed before you took the job.

Applying for a cashiers position means nothing in this type of job. You will eventually do it all.

Remember. Your job duties include anything your boss tells you to do.
2018-04-10 5:11 pm
1st thing - when you are hired at any company, it's not unusual to do work other than what you applied for & are expecting to do, like the cashiering you want to do; 2nd - for the scheduling: you can tell your superior that you can't work on whatever days you won't be available BUT the employer hires employees to be available when the employer needs them and NOT the other way 'round..........if you stick w/it, you can move up in the company........I was a dishwasher at a restaurant at 15, then the head cook, then the manager.............all before I was 17

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