What does it mean if my boss is doing this?

2018-04-10 12:52 am
I'm a 17 year old boy that got employed at a Jack in the Box (fast food) about a week ago. I applied to be a cashier, and yes I understand that caahiers also have to help with other tasks but hear me out. The actual manager at my job is a guy called Jose but he's out temporarily and left another manager called Liz in charge while he's gone. I went in last tuesday for my first day. Liz asked if I was the kid Jose had hired and I said yes, but Liz wasn't told about me coming that day, so Liz just gave me a tour of the place and in the end she had me sweep, clean the tables, take out the trash, and clean the windows and told me to come again on Wednesday. Wednesday, I went in, and AGAIN Liz had me clean the whole time I was there but this time I was able to bag some orders and hand them to customers. I was told to come back again on Friday and that I'd get cashier training that day but once again on Friday Liz had me clean the whole time because she had forgotten the her supervisor wpuld visit our location. At the end of Friday Liz told me to come back again on Wednesday (2 days from now). I haven't gotten trained as a cashier and Liz is just telling me days when she wants me to come instead of assigning me a schedule and I'm afraid of telling her I can't come in on certain days because of school because i don't want her to think I'm unreliable and possibly give me less days. What do you think I should do? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

回答 (9)

2018-04-10 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
IIf it was me, I'd just bide my time until Jose returns back to work. Obviously, Liz can't be bothered to train another managers hire. She sounds like she's not exactly what I would call a "team player". If the times she asks you to work conflict with your schooling, tell her. There is no way that you should put working at a fast food job in front of your education. Hopefully, she's smart enough to know that. If not you need to make sure she realizes it!
2018-04-10 4:30 am
she is managing the way she sees fit and this will continue until Jose comes back
2018-04-10 1:04 am
You need to talk with her and tell her you understood that you were being hired to be a cashier. Be respectful whatever the outcome of the discussion.

Decide now what you are going to do if she says you are now casual labor and clean up. If you are going to keep the job until you find another, be respectful and show a good attitude until you find another job. Then thank your supervisor for the opportunity to work for her. Your attitude will follow you if future employers do back ground checks.
2018-04-10 4:59 pm
Give her your school schedule. But as far as what you're assigned to do, that's up to her.
2018-04-10 1:53 am
talk with liz
2018-04-10 1:07 am
Relax and just take your training as it comes. You need to get an understanding that companies don't always have to do what you were hired to do. You do what your are told to do
2018-04-10 2:26 pm
If you are afraid of being accused of being unreliable, then you probably will be accused of it. The terms under which you were hired should have been clear when you were hired. However, you should give her one more chance to start training you for the cashier's job.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Employment law experience.
2018-04-10 1:00 am
Give her your school schedule with your availability clearly marked. Other than that, there's not much you can do.

She isn't obligated to give you the work schedule in advance (although it's annoying and inconvenient that she doesn't) and she isn't obligated to train you to be a cashier. Ultimately, if you do not like the employer's scheduling policies, job duties or if you can't work the shifts they need covered, then you're not a match for the job and they will find someone else.

When is Jose coming back? If it's soon, I'd just hang in until then especially if he's the one who is supposed to be training you.
2018-04-10 1:05 am
Find another job

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