畫貓聞名的已故油畫家 巴洛克時期啊,文艺复兴~19世紀時期都可以 但當代的就不用了謝謝?

2018-04-07 7:38 pm

我的意思是,想知道代以畫貓聞名的畫家,並非那個年代畫什麼貓,所以14-19世紀的畫家都可以, 但不要20世紀以後的 像julius Adams

回答 (1)

2018-04-08 1:38 am
Rennaissance revival of oil painting in Europe Baroque in the 14th,15th,&16thcc based on ancient Greek Cat.
baroque adj, relating to the very decorated style of art etc that was common in Europe in the 17th cc. and early 18th cc. centuries in a baroque style painting etc, never the 19th century.

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