回答 (5)
1.went---We went (there) by MTR train.
2.heard---I heard someone singing.
3.sounded---How sweet the music sounded !
-----------------It sounded to me as if there was a bird flying somewhere.
4.peek--------I have a quick peek over the window.
5.saw--------.I saw the singer there.
6.called------I called for help.
7.picked-----She picked the strings of a banjo.
----------------We picked flowers and fruit at her food-stall.
8---->began----She began to learn her first English word. It's time to begin work.We
began the class at 9 o'clock.
9.does----I tell you she does not like you. That's exactly what she does.
10.asked----She asked him his name.
----------------She asked a favour of him.
----------------She asked the price.
----------------She asked you for too much !
----------------She asked me a lot of questions(=14).
----------------She asked for a pay rise yesterday !
----------------You asked of me more than you asked of the others.
11.question------May I ask you a question on Q.11 ?--Look;all questions on Q11-Q14 were missing ??????????????She said that Q11-Q14 were missing ?!
11.looked---------->I looked but saw nothing on the computer-monitor.
12.put------It's time to put the banjo away.
--------------She put the banjo on the table.
13.fed------v.( past tense and past participle=fed/fed/)
--------------Have you fed the chicken (cat) yesterday?
--------------Have the pigs been fed yet?-----passive voice
--------------You fed your dog on animal food yesterday
---------------Figures are fed into the computer which then predicts the likely profit.
--------------The public baths-spa are fed by natural springsTW
--------------The sound is fed directly to your EARS.
--------------You fed your baby yesterday !Let your baby feed as long as she lives. Babies were fed well on her mother's home milk cooking.
14.said-------She said that Q11-14 were missing on the computer-monitor.
----------------"Said" is the past tense and the past participle of "Say."
----------------Say hello to Grammar-English.
----------------"Do come to the Party," she said, so I said "OK
-----------------I did ask them but they said no.
-----------------Sorry, I didn't hear what you said.
-----------------I've said I'm sorry.
-----------------Everyone said how well I've done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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